Chaeeun Kim
M.S. Candidate
College of Computer Science
Kookmin University
- Location: Seoul, Korea
- Email: cekim at kookmin.ac.kr
- WWW: https://dongchime.github.io
Research Interest
- Large scale graph mining
- Computer Programming 1, Teaching Assistant, Kookmin Univ. (Spring 2019, Spring 2020)
Extra Activities
- Administrator of cluster server (10 machines) in DMLab., Kookmin Univ.
Work Experience
- Undergraduate research intern, DMLab, Kookmin Univ. (Aug. 2019 - Feb. 2020)
- Advisor: Professor Ha-Myung Park
- Software developer intern, Humanscape. (Jun. 2019 - Aug. 2019)
- Visiting researcher, ISG group, UC Irvine. (Jun. 2018 - Dec. 2018)
- Advisor: Professor Chen Li